2019 The Newest Testament – A work in progress
Chananya Weissman
Dec 17, 2019, The Times of Israel

Note: The ever-changing laws of progressive morality have many folks (as they must now be referred to) frightened and confused.  To help prevent unintentional violations of these laws, which can lead to persecution or prosecution, we have codified the most important of these laws in Bible form. These laws are subject to constant revisions as enlightened understanding continues to progress, hence the reader is urged to proceed with caution. 

This codification is sure to be outdated by the time you finish reading it.  Those who continue to update it will be doing a public service, and would go to heaven if such a place existed.

The Newest Testament

Chapter 1 – Morality

  1. Morality is subjective. What is moral for today shall be decided by the leaders of the collective. Those who are found to be retroactively in violation of today’s morality shall be punished. A regimen of repentance can be imposed by the collective in lieu of punishment.
  2. No one can claim to be in possession of the truth. Nothing is true and everything is true. Whatever we believe is our truth.
  3. It is our moral obligation to spread this fundamental principle. Those who claim that there is a truth to the exclusion of other truths are immoral and dangerous. They must be re-educated, and, if necessary, destroyed. Those who destroy them are engaging in self-defense, which is their right. They may employ any means necessary to defend themselves.
  4. Family members, friends, employers, and anyone associated with the aggressor are culpable as well if they do not assist in his destruction.
  5. Morality belongs to the newest generation to define. The newest generation is always in possession of the greatest truth. They demonstrate this by rejecting the morality of those who came before them. This must happen in every generation. Progressive morality never stops.
  6. The old must worship the young and surrender their power when called upon to do so. The old are granted favor by empowering the young, and forfeit their favor by preaching to the young, in which case they may be destroyed.
  7. Anger is virtuous. Outrage is divine.
  8. What was formerly considered sin shall be celebrated.
  9. The only people who may be judged are those who believe in any objective truth, for they are judging others.
  10. Life is meaningless and hopeless; there is no afterlife. The reward of “sin” is pleasure in this hopeless life. There is no punishment. Sin is therefore good. Those who deny others this goodness are evil and shall be destroyed.

Chapter 2 – Life and Death

  1. The right to life is decided by the leaders of the collective, based on the desires and interests of society.
  2. The weak, defenseless, and unproductive to society do not have a right to life, for the needs of society are superior. As their continued existence is a burden to society, and potentially an existential threat, they may be eliminated.
  3. Elimination of such life shall never be referred to as murder. The collective will instruct society on the proper designations for such actions as they see fit. The connotation will always be positive, for this elimination of life is a positive act.
  4. Children who are unwanted and incapable of continuing to live without the assistance of those who do not want them do not have the right to life. Society has become used to the idea of loving and protecting children, and needs to be re-educated.
  5. If the child is not yet born, it is not really a child, just a bunch of cells, and therefore has no rights. In addition, the mother may do what she wants with her body, and shall demonstrate her enlightenment by acting in ways that reject outdated morals. If the mother never wanted this bunch of cells inside her, it is virtuous and empowering to eliminate it. If the mother did want a child to be born, she has the right to change her mind for any reason and eliminate it as well. Children do not have a right to be born, and if they are born in spite of a desire to eliminate them, they do not have a right to be cared for.
  6. Children are a burden to society. Society shall be re-educated to produce fewer children, lest overpopulation destroy the world. The collective shall ultimately decide who may have children and how many, as well as what purpose these children serve.
  7. In addition, it is merciful to eliminate cells before they are born to prevent a child from suffering poverty or other unwanted challenges in life. These unwanted challenges will be determined by the collective. Producing children into unwanted circumstances is immoral and shall be condemned, while preventing this from happening is virtuous.
  8. Those who advocate otherwise are evil and shall be destroyed, for they are threats to all of society and all that is good.
  9. At the same time, it shall be argued whenever convenient that children are our paramount concern and we must do whatever we can to protect them. If we allow them to live they owe us the right to exploit them for the greater good.
  10. Old people and sick people are not entitled to continued life. The former have already lived their lives, and it is time for them to stop taking up resources. It is selfish of them to wish to continue living. Both old people and sick people are burdens to society, do not contribute enough to warrant their continued existence, and do not have an adequate quality of life besides, as determined by the collective. It is merciful to quietly eliminate them from society.
  11. Animal life is sacred. It is immoral to ever take the life of an animal for human benefit or consumption of any kind. If human life and animal life are both in danger, it is immoral to favor human life. If the human life is worthy as deemed by the collective, then it may be on par with the animal life, otherwise it is virtuous to spread the new morality by favoring the animal life. Animal sacrifice is a primitive abomination; human sacrifice is divine.

Chapter 3 – Gender, Identity, and Sexuality

  1. Gender is entirely subjective. Biological indicators and historical norms are irrelevant. There is no basis for determining one’s gender other than the whims of the individual. To make presumptions about another’s gender is evil and those who do so shall be destroyed.
  2. There is no limit to the number of genders that may exist or can be created. As time goes on this number can only increase.
  3. A man who undergoes certain cosmetic surgical procedures and is injected with certain hormones shall no longer be considered a man. Although every other medical procedure does not and can not change the identity of an individual, it must be accepted that this one can and does. Refusal to accept this is punishable by destruction.
  4. Moreover, these procedures shall be encouraged and those who undergo them celebrated.
  5. Children shall not have an identity imposed upon them by their parents. In fact, parents should impose no values on their children; this is the job of the state and the collective. Children will be encouraged to rebel against the values of old, for they know better, yet those who hold these values must protect and support the children indefinitely. This is proper education.
  6. There is no distinction between the genders.
  7. Nevertheless, women have historically been oppressed by men, and are encouraged to be in a never-ending state of rebellion against all forms of male power. Although women are equal to men, they are at the same time superior to them. There is no contradiction in any of this, and those who seek to obfuscate these truths are ignorant oppressors who shall be destroyed.
  8. Women are expected to be suspicious of men at all times, to denigrate them, and to forever be angry at them. Any problem a woman has in life may be attributed in some way to men, and no matter how much women achieve this must never change.
  9. The accomplishments of any and all women must be forever celebrated simply because they were accomplished by a woman. They shall be framed as progressive victory over the historical oppression of men, proof that women are equal and superior, and used as propaganda for more women to discard the historical role of women.
  10. Men are not entitled to express opinions about anything pertaining to women. Since everything pertains to women in some way, men shall be encouraged to express no opinions unless they are pre-approved by the collective. In the event a woman disagrees with a man’s opinion about any matter, the man shall defer, otherwise he is an oppressor. Men are expected to forever carry the guilt and punishment for any crime ever committed against a woman.
  11. Women may express opinions about anything, and these opinions are automatically superior.
  12. However, if a woman expresses an opinion in favor of the “traditional” role of women in the family and society, and wishes for a man to protect her but not be subservient to her, she shall be destroyed. Similarly, if a woman goes against the moral decisions of the collective, or is old, poor, or otherwise useless to the collective, she forfeits her special entitlement to “women’s rights”. These rights do not really belong to women, but to the collective, who may do with these rights as they please for the benefit of society.
  13. If a man insults a woman, he is an abuser. If a woman insults a man, she is right.
  14. Women are encouraged to flaunt their bodies and even make money by doing so, but men who pay attention to a woman’s body, or lust after it, are the lowest forms of life.
  15. Even though men are the enemy of women and presumed to be predators, the genders shall never be separated, as this is denigrating to women.
  16. Even though men are presumed to be predators, they are expected to assist women whenever needed. The reverse is not true.
  17. A bunch of cells that may potentially become a baby belongs entirely to the woman and a man has no right to influence what happens to that bunch of cells. The woman may eliminate these cells if she desires, as noted. If she allows it to become a baby, the baby belongs entirely to the woman as well. However, the man who contributed to the bunch of cells must pay the woman to raise the baby, even as he has no say in the child’s life.
  18. If a woman claims that a man oppressed her in any way, she is to be automatically believed. If she fabricates or exaggerates the claim for any reason, she shall suffer no consequences.
  19. Even though women are equal and superior to men, crimes by men against women must be punished far more severely than identical crimes by women against men. Women have a good reason.
  20. The only class of human that is superior to a woman is a man who becomes a woman through the aforementioned procedure. The logic behind this can never be questioned. It is a moral truth that has been decided.
  21. Such an individual’s right to urinate and defecate in the same room as women doing the same is superior to all rights of women. This shall be enforced by the state and children shall be educated at the earliest possible time regarding this vital matter.
  22. The ideal state of a woman is a single mother with a man obligated by the courts to support her.
  23. Even though gender is a meaningless social construct, society shall be encouraged to create new genders and classifications without end.
  24. Children shall be taught to question their presumed identity, and once a grain of doubt is planted in their minds to abandon their presumed identity. Failing to encourage children to question their presumed identity, with the goal of changing it, is a form of child abuse.
  25. The purpose of sexual relations is personal gratification and to express one’s freedom from traditional restraint of any kind.
  26. The moral standing of society can be judged favorably if there are declining rates of marriage between men and woman, and increasing rates of other forms of marriage, or various other non-marital relationships.
  27. There is one exception to all of the above: Muslim men can treat women however they wish and are not bound by any gender or identity expectations, because Islam must always be respected.

Chapter 4 – Children’s Rights

  1. Children do not have the right to be born. They are a burden to parents even in the best of circumstances, and a threat to the human race by consuming limited resources.

  2. At the same time, children are our future, and no one has the right to make decisions for them. If children are born and survive, it is immoral to educate them according to the old ways.

  3. Children will choose their own gender and identity, preferably in contradiction to the outdated conventions. They will be encouraged to challenge and defy the old norms by the state-run education system and all forms of media. This will be done in the name of freedom and independence. Those who resist are child-abusers and children will be protected from them by whatever means necessary.

  4. Children will be educated to reject all forms of parental authority and influence.

  5. Parents who violate children’s rights in any way, such as by making any form of physical contact with them without explicit permission or attempting to brainwash them according to unapproved ideologies, shall be prosecuted.

  6. Parents must nevertheless shelter children and provide financial support for them until adulthood.

  7. The educational system and the media will educate children regarding sex and promiscuity, both of which will be implicitly encouraged in all its forms. This is done to protect children from harmful influences and so that they can explore their feelings.

  8. Children will be educated that procreation is harmful to them and to society. Only limited procreation, in ways that promote a strong society and continued progress, is approved.

  9. Mutilation of the body and extreme alterations of one’s appearance will be encouraged to demonstrate freedom and individuality.

  10. Children will be encouraged to report their parents to authorities for any violations of the above, and will always be believed. Parents shall fear their children, and children shall educate their parents in the new ways of progress.

Chapter 5 – Monetary Law

  1. Personal property is a legal fiction. There is only custody, which is a privilege granted by the state and which may be modified or retracted according to needs of society as they see fit.
  2. All resources belong to everyone, and the enlightened leaders shall decide how they are to be apportioned and used.
  3. Everything in the world is considered a resource, hence the leaders shall determine how everything in the world shall be apportioned and used. This is fair and just.
  4. Stealing is immoral, but legislation created specifically to take money from citizens simply because the collective has determined they have more than they need, is divine.

Chapter 6 – Civil Law

  1. The greatest crime one may commit against another is to make one feel less than equal or unsafe in any way. Each individual may interpret this as they see fit and impose their interpretation upon all others. Those whose sensibilities are offended may declare themselves victims and seek both justice and retribution.

  2. Those who fail to support victims when this may be reasonably expected may be considered complicit in the crime and dealt with accordingly.

  3. Those who are associated with the offender in any way who fail to disassociate themselves may be considered complicit in the crime and dealt with accordingly.

  4. There are some exceptions. Most notably, those who cling to beliefs that are outdated, primitive, racist, and immoral (the original Testament) cannot declare themselves victims for being offended. Their very existence is an offense, and it is enough that they are tolerated.

  5. Similarly, such individuals cannot hide behind their deviant beliefs to defend themselves from charges of offending others. There is nothing more virtuous and productive to the continued progress of society than to expose and destroy these deviants.

  6. Everyone is suspected of being a hate-filled racist until proven otherwise.

  7. It can not be proven that one is not a hate-filled racist. Hence, the truly tolerant will be constantly mindful and vigilant to demonstrate their lack of racism with every word and action. Any misstep will be called out and the offender may be destroyed, if for nothing else than as a warning to others. This is the only way to create a better society.

  8. Although we are all identical in every way, race does not matter, and identity is subjective besides, it is virtuous for all people to make an issue of their race at all times. Anyone who deems this contradictory or counter-productive is a racist who shall be dealt with accordingly.

  9. It is virtuous to bear the sins of others.

  10. Justice is retroactive. As new understandings of morality and sensitivity are developed, retroactive offenders may be punished for past conduct.

  11. Any behavior by victims against those who offend them is legitimate, no matter how aggressive and even violent. This behavior shall be deemed self-defense, and will therefore be defended, protected, and even encouraged when it suits the greater interests of society as determined by the enlightened leaders.

  12. Jews are excluded from making an issue of their presumed historical victimhood. As those most responsible for the original Testament, they are in fact the greatest offenders, the greatest hypocrites, responsible for all the world’s problems, and had best be quiet.

Chapter 7 – Laws of War

  1. There is never a legitimate reason to engage in war. Even if a country is attacked they must do everything possible to de-escalate. Capitulation is preferable to taking the life of one’s attacker.

  2. If the public demands retaliation, they should be suppressed by whatever means necessary, beginning with propaganda and escalating from there.

  3. If the public can no longer be suppressed, then retaliation should be conducted in the most harmless way possible.

  4. Under no circumstances shall anyone on the enemy side who is not actively engaged in warfare be harmed in any way. The consequences to the retaliating side and its people are not an excuse to engage in unbridled, indiscriminate warfare of this nature.

  5. If one’s attacker engages in warfare that is unbridled and indiscriminate, they probably have a legitimate reason for doing so, and should be appeased. Under no circumstances is this a reason to respond in kind.

  6. A nation under attack shall not retaliate with greater force than that which was used against it. That is unfair and immoral, and moral nations may use whatever means necessary to prevent and punish such actions, including obliteration of the offending nation.

  7. These laws apply only to nations that represent the original Testament, who dwell in darkness. Other nations, especially Muslim nations, may act according to their customs, which must always be respected.

Chapter 8 – Religious Sacrifices

  1. It is praiseworthy to sacrifice people for the greater good. As morality develops and is updated by the enlightened leaders, individuals shall be sacrificed to serve as an example to others. Guilt is preferable but not absolutely required, as the greater good is paramount.
  2. All of society must be ready to sacrifice themselves, their family, and the possessions in their custody for the greater good at any time, as determined by the enlightened leaders.
  3. It is the responsibility of every individual to be informed of expected changed to lifestyle and values as morality continues to progress. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse for violation of the law, though the collective may grant limited clemency as it deems fit.
  4. Those who defend themselves from accusations of guilt shall be deemed guilty and punished without mercy.
  5. Those who accept their guilt and engage in penance may be punished without mercy or given another chance, as deemed appropriate by the collective.
  6. All of the laws set forth in this Newest Testament are subject to continued change and progress. Citizens are advised to always err on the side of caution to prevent retroactive punishment for violations as yet unknown.
  7. The young are always more knowledgeable, enlightened, and moral than their predecessors, and enforcement of the law is entrusted to them. Moral progress will continuously develop through them. The future of civilization depends on it.