`153 A Question for Parents
Chananya Weissman
November 5, 2021

If a teacher in your child's school was sexually abusing children, right out in the open, would you continue to send your child to school?

Let's say the government redefined this sexual abuse as a health program. Would that make it okay? Would you continue to send your child to school?

Let's say the government allowed you to send a note with your child stating that you do not consent to his being touched by the teachers. Would that alleviate your concerns? Would that make the school a safe environment for your children? Would you now feel safe entrusting your child's body, mind, and soul to these people?

What if they are not raping your children in the usual way, but forcing them to wear masks, live in terror, and get injected with biological weapons?

Let's say the government redefined these forms of child abuse as a health program. Let's say they allowed you to send a note that you don't want your children getting injected. Does that make the school a safe environment for your children? Do you really want to entrust their bodies, minds, and souls to these predators, who are clearly determined to have your children one way or another, sooner or later?

When a school becomes a center for child abuse – regardless of how they spin it – every parent must pull their children out immediately. No excuses. If you will not protect your children from monsters and predators, above all else, who will?

If you will not protect your children from monsters and predators, why should God protect you?