

Divrei Torah
Bechukosai - The day after peace Bechuoksai - You will eat your bread to satiety Beshalach - Amalek and his nation
Beshalach - Guidance in Chinuch Chayei Sarah - Bakol Chayei Sarah - First Things First
Chayei Sarah - The speech of the servants is precious Chukas – The Covered-Up Sin Ki Seitzei - Why did Hashem permit the yefas to'ar?
Kiddushin - Amalek's Partner Re’ei - A Shidduch Lesson from the Torah Shelach - The Meaning of Success
Shmini - And you shall be holy Shmini Atzeres – Saving the Jewish people for last Shoftim - Tzedek vs. Tzedaka
Tzav - Gratitude and Feeling Tzav - Greatness and Humility Tzav - The Mysterious Shalsheles
Vayeira – Avraham the King Vayeira – Just Ask Vayeira – Know What to Respond
Vayeishev - Spices were arranged Vayeishev - The Sin of Hasbara Vayeitzei - "I have the power"
Vayeitzei - Mussar with regards to Mussar Vayetzei - Yaakov's feet carried him Vayigash - And his brothers spoke with him
Vayigash - The brothers spoke with him Yechezkel - They did not turn when they went Yisro - And Yisro heard
Fiction and Miscellaneous
2020 Purim News Prophets in Cyberspace The Subway Station
Zero Time   
2005 It's Everyone's Business 2005 Some Questions For Israel 2005 The Question No One Wants To Answer
2006 The Leader We Pray For 2006 The Trillion Dollar Question 2008 I Feel Your Pain
2008 Palestinians? What Palestinians? 2009 Bombs and Burgers 2010 Independence Day in Exile
2018 My Visit to the US Embassy in Jerusalem 2018 What’s Your Galus Exit Plan? 2019 A Proposal to Achieve Electoral Unity
2019 A Sure Way To End the Election Gridlock 2019 Diary of a Visit to Har Habayis 2019 I'm Also Proud
2019 The Deal of the Century for Israel and the Jews 2019 The Hidden Treasures All Around Us 2019 Why God Chose the Early Zionists
2019 Why I Protested the Jerusalem ‘Pride’ Parade 2020 - Torture Has No Place in a Jewish State 2020 Animal rights - and a hilarious wrong
2020 Civil Disobedience in a Torah State 2020 Corporal Punishment in a Halachic Jewish State 2020 Does the Times of Israel Hate Homosexuals?
2020 Embracing a Halachic Jewish State – Introduction 2020 Forcing women into IDF combat units 2020 Israel's Pride Revolution
2020 Rectify the Tefilla for Tzahal 2020 The Galus Money Trap 2020 The Media's War Against Orthodox Judaism
2021 A different lesson from the conflict with Gaza 2021 The Fake War with Hamas 2022 Torture Has No Place in Israel, or Anywhere
Jewish Education
2001 Put the Ed Back in Jewish Education 2005 A "New" Understanding of Talmud Torah 2005 Tuition is Just a Symptom
2006 Rethinking the Standards in Jewish Education 2007 Teaching Judaism’s Endgame 2022 What's Pshat?
Jewish Society
1998 Career Guidance Pamphlet for Prospective Employees 2000 Shul Pandect 2004 An Empire of Madness
2004 How “Halacha” Evolves 2004 Korach's Daughters 2004 Response to article
2004 Too Much Tehillim 2004 Why Stop At Gay Marriage? 2005 A Real Solution for Extravagant Simchas
2005 God’s House and Team Play 2007 A Story From Chelm 2007 Bread of Affliction
2007 Esrogim and a Revival of Jewish Spirit 2007 Please Remove Your Yarmulka 2007 The Chazan Game
2007 The Obligation to Work 2007 Why Can't We Cry? 2008 A World of Fear
2008 Banning the Bans 2008 Miracles, Marketing and Madness: Part 1 2008 Miracles, Marketing and Madness: Part 2
2009 Defending Criminals 2009 Please Respect Our Neighborhood 2011 To Give Or Not To Give?
2011 Tzedaka Wars — let the giver beware 2019 A Tisha B’Av Wish List 2019 A Washington National Disgrace
2019 Next Year in Golders Green 2019 The Anti-Semitism Handbook for Diaspora Jews 2019 The Newest Testament – A work in progress
2020 - A Call to Stand for Kedusha (Part 1 expanded) 2020 A Call to Stand for Kedusha (Parts 1 and 2) 2020 It Seems the Talmud Really is Sexist
2020 Progressive Rabbis Should Lead, Not Follow 2020 Reclaiming a stolen mitzvah 2020 Shabbos is not a day of rest
2020 The Foolish Prisoner 2020 The Secret Behind the Galus Jew 2020 Torah Sources Do Not Condone A Women’s Daf Yomi Movement
2020 What Makes a Rabbi Orthodox? 2020 What Mordechai Teaches The Galus Jew 2020 Why Plagues Kill the Righteous With the Wicked
2020 Women Off the Wall 2020 Women’s Daf Yomi: A Deeper Look, Part 1 2020 Women’s Daf Yomi: On a different page
2022 Yeshiva University forced out of the closet 2022 Yeshiva University Partners with Matchmaking Service 2024 Distortions and Deceptions From Chabad Messianists Part 1
2024 Distortions and Deceptions From Chabad Messianists Part 2   
NEW The Redemption Process
00 Amalek’s Last Stand 01 Recent thoughts on the redemption in process 02 More Thoughts on the Redemption Process
03 The Jewish response to plagues 04 The Impending Kristallnacht 05 The Torah Temima on Plagues
06 A Shabbos Together 07 Chutzpa increases before Moshiach 08 Seven Positive Takeaways From Our Coronavirus Lives
09 If God Should Go on Strike 10 Why Should We Bother? 11 Amalek Then and Now
12 Voting for Hashem 13 Letter from a Diaspora Rabbi 14 God's Bi'ur Chametz
15 The Wisdom of the Teachers Will Be Spoiled 16 The Lesson Israel Must Learn From Coronavirus 17 Kiruv for the distant kiruv workers
18 Esav's Merits Run Out 19 Divide and Be Conquered 20 Why do Orthodox Jews want to stay in America?
21 Ten demands for American Jews 22 Should you use scare tactics to encourage aliya? 23 The Suffering of the “Progressive” Jew
24 The dove is being called to return 25 Idol Worship in Exile 26 "Progressives" and the Ten Commandments
27 Serious questions about the rules of racism 28 Courting Israel 29 Can it happen in America?
30 Amalek Versus a Torah Society 31 Assimilated Orthodox Jews 32 The Chillul Hashem of Galus
33 Tisha B'av - Response to Criticism 34 Prepping in the Torah 35 The New Black Friday
36 Rabbi Yochanan's Recollection 37 A Desperate Warning to American Jews 38 Shabbat Shuva lessons from a tangent by Radak
39 A Yom Kippur lesson not to be missed 40 The Commandment To Admit You’re Wrong 41 Don’t Be Surprised When The Pogroms Begin
42 The Demands of the Galus Jew 43 Letter from Concerned Elders of Israel 44 An Injection of Sober Thinking
45 The Plague of Darkness 46 "God Watches Over Fools" Explained 47 Herd Insanity
48 The Totalitarian Pyramid 49 The Best Galus Ever 50 Holy Shabbos Food
51 The False Prophets of Our Time 52 The New Rules 53 Pharaoh's Playbook and the Path to Redemption
54 False Flags and Deadly Gags 55 "You Can't Daven With Us" 56 Hardened Hearts
57 Judenrat Minyanim 58 A Short Thought and More Mask Police 59 Darkness and the Moment of Truth
60 Rav Vosner, media lies, and more 61 An Ode to Masks 62 Snitching in the Torah
63 Fake Torah and Fake Science 64 On Fear and Faith 65 31 Reasons Why I Won't Take the Vaccine
66 Dealing with the Devil 67 Dvar Torah on Yisro + Assorted Thoughts 68 The four watchmen, an old Russian, and vaccines
69 Israel's Mafia of Health Means Business 70 Torah or Tyranny 71 Darkness and Light in Tel Aviv
72 Response to Rabbi Steinberg's "ruling" 73 Can so many rabbis be wrong? 74 Apartheid Shuls and Fake Jews
75 One Little Birdie 76 Wholesale Sinners 77 The Longest Word in Tanach and Other Goodies
78 21 Questions That Demand Answers 79 Lessons From the Golden Calf 80 Public Safety in the Torah
81 Just Another Day in Chelm...and more recent adventures 82 We Have to Follow the Sanhedrin...Right? 83 Election Day Standoff and More
84 Take the pledge...and more good stuff 85 How I Was Saved From the Vaccine Cult 86 More Rabbinic Malpractice and Fake Torah
87 A War on God and Creation 88 Medical Intervention in the Torah Part 1 89 Medical Intervention in the Torah Part 2
90 The Most Difficult Mitzvah 91 The Top 26 Reasons to Take the “Vaccine” 92 The 12 Step Program and More
93 A Practical Guide to Human Effort and Trust in God 94 The Crushing of Mankind 95 Desecrating the Dead of Meron
96 Three timely teachings from the Gemara in Shabbos 97 Enough with Dayenu 98 New Treatment for OCD
99 Achdus Explained `100 Why Don't Open Miracles Happen? `101 Biblical Gotcha
`102 The Day God Laughs `103 The sacrifice after the sacrifice and more `104 Everything Matters
`105 God's Classified Information `106 Balak – Hidden Salvations `107 Gog Umagog Past and Present
`108 Outside the Temples of Molech `109 The Concise Prepper Guide for Gog Umagog `110 Moshiach's First Order of Business
`111 15 Questions to Ask Your Rabbi `112 How to control 5th Graders...and the world `113 Tu B'Av Lessons for Today
`114 Is your rabbi driving under the influence? `115 But what if I lose my job? `116 Moshe's Last Chance
`117 Yeshaya HaNavi on Masks `118 Chazal on Emotional Distress to Animals `119 Rabbis "respond" to my 15 questions
`120 Three-word Torahs `121 The False Prophets of Today `122 A King Like Haman
`123 Three Lessons from Shoftim `124 Frustrated? Learn from Yeshaya `125 Two Boats and a Share in the World to Come
`126 Response to Rabbi Schachter's comments `127 Response to Rabbi Feldman `128 Real Rabbis Balance with a Careful Measure
`129 An Urgent Call to Pray for Rav Kanievsky `130 But where's the "evidence" about Rav Chaim? `131 Rabbis, Robots, and Rodfim
`132 A Rosh Hashana Booster Shot of Torah Truth `133 Defrocking Avraham Steinberg `134 Returning to Real Teshuva
`135 Haazinu – Hints for our time `136 Dating profiles in the coming years `137 60 Ways We Have to Pretend
`138 Hoshea and the Three Requests `139 Pep Talk from the Chafetz Chaim `140 10 Reasons Why Holocaust Comparisons Fall Short
`141 Historical Lessons from Yirmiya - Part 1 `142 Historical Lessons from Yirmiya - Part 2 `143 Historical Lessons from Yirmiya - Part 3
`144 A Question for Those Who Are Wavering `145 Historical Lessons from Yirmiya - Part 4 `146 Historical Lessons from Yirmiya - Part 5
`147 Lockdowns Violate the Torah `148 Where Is the Fear of God? `149 Religious Exemptions Are Insidious
`150 Religious Reasons Not to Take the Shots `151 Who's the Crazy One? `152 Unmasking JOWMA
`153 A Question for Parents `154 Does Judaism Have a Mark of the Beast? `155 Evil Shepherds and Rotten Animals
`156 Front groups: Unmasking JOWMA `157 The Worst of Times, the Best of Times `158 The Wicked Are Ready to Fall
`159 They can't explain this... `160 A New Vision for Education `161 More Disinformation About Rav Kanievsky
`162 Ancient Common Sense `163 Webster's Word Games `164 Stop Serving Your Country
`165 One Year Fighting the Erev Rav `166 A Redemption Cheat Sheet `167 A Gift From God?
`168 Contemporary Lessons from Mishlei – Part 1 `169 Contemporary Lessons from Mishlei – Part 2 `170 "Rav Chaim" Ruling on Smartphones...
`171 Contemporary Lessons from Mishlei – Part 3 `172 Chaim Walder and Shmuel Eliyahu `173 More on Walder and Eliyahu
`174 Contemporary Lessons from Mishlei – Part 4 `175 Contemporary Lessons from Mishlei – Part 5 `176 Modern Medicine is Idolatrous
`177 Why Would They Do That? `178 Rav, or Erev Rav? `179 Fake Torah Against Walder
`180 - Contemporary Lessons from Melachim: A Special Merit `181 - Lessons from Melachim Part 2: The Tragic Fall of Yehoash `182 The Woke Walder Train
`183 The Covid Cult and the Ten Commandments `184 Erev Rav in Israel `185 Making Do Without Walder
`186 The Ramchal on Fear and Foolishness `187 The Mystery of Pesel Micha `188 God's First Instruction
`189 Truckers, Tyrants, and Boxers `190 License to Heal `191 Two Rabbinic Distortions – Part One
`192 Two Rabbinic Distortions – Part Two `193 Covid Apology Letter `194 Oh no! Polio!
`195 Grasshoppers Against God `196 True Greatness `197 The Best Doctors Go to Hell
`198 Judged by Those Who Believe In Nothing `199 Medical Ethics and Amalek `200 Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Elder Abuse Revisited
`201 No Gedolim? So What? `202 The Shanghai Model `203 Mysteries and Massacres at Meron
`204 Relating to Israel Under the Erev Rav `205 Medical Tyranny Versus Authentic Torah – Part 1 `206 Medical Tyranny Versus Authentic Torah – Part 2
`207 Medical Tyranny Versus Authentic Torah – Part 3 `208 Medical Tyranny Versus Authentic Torah – Part 4 `209 A Wake-Up Call for the Awake
`210 Korach and Social Justice Warriors `211 Trusting Doctors in Halachic Responsa – Part 1 `212 Trusting Doctors in Halachic Responsa – Part 2
`213 The Torah on Unborn Children – Part 1 `214 The Torah on Unborn Children – Part 2 `215 Rabbi Schachter: Megaleh Panim B'Torah
`216 Controlled Opposition - The Erev Rav and the "Religious Zionists" `217 How Halacha is Determined `218 Hashkafa is a Meshugas
`219 Bribes for Jewish Blood in Baltimore `220 JOWMA erases all Covid-19 propaganda from their site `221 Dr. Ellie Carmody of JOWMA doesn't believe her own sales pitch
`222 Leaked: Blima Marcus colludes to spin inconvenient data `223 An Open Letter to the Rabbis of Baltimore and the Five Towns `224 The Thirteen Articles of Scientific Faith
`225 What Pikuach Nefesh Means – And What it Doesn't `226 What's going on with Hatzalah? `227 600 Anonymous Heroes
`228 Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part 1 `229 Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part 2 `230 Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part 3
`231 Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part 4 `232 Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part 5 `233 Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part 6
`234 Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part 7 `235 Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part 8 `236 A Survival Guide for Entering This World
`237 An Open Letter to Yeshiva University `238 If Your Vote Mattered `239 Apology Not Accepted
`240 A Primer on Amalek – Part 1 `241 A Primer on Amalek – Part 2 `242 A Primer on Amalek – Part 3
`243 A Primer on Amalek – Part 4 `244 A Primer on Amalek Part 5 – Haman's Letter `245 Rav Ovadia Yosef Drops a Bomb
`246 A Primer on Amalek Part 6 – From Agag to Haman `247 A Primer on Amalek Part 7 – Amalek Then and Now `248 Prepping according to the Torah...and more
`249 What's preventing covid sinners from doing teshuva? `250 Zoom Out `251 Is truth stranger than fiction?
`252 More dangerous, insidious propaganda from JOWMA `253 The Torah on Word Games and Reality `254 JOWMA Exposed
`255 A Powerful Source on “Mercy” Killings `256 Darkness and the Moment of Truth Redux `257 Mordechai: A Cautionary Tale
`258 The Torah Warned Us `259 Sanity From Rav Moshe Feinstein – Part One `260 Confronting Asher Weiss and Getting Assaulted
`261 Asher Weiss Supports Forcing Injections `262 Sanity From Rav Moshe Feinstein – Part Two `263 Craziness According to the Torah
`264 Asher Weiss Doubles Down `265 What Would King David Do? `266 Thoughts on Yom Ha'atzmaut
`267 JOWMA Promoting Immorality and the Murder of Babies `268 Erev Rav Yair Hoffman Defends Lying About Vaccines `269 The Serpents Among Us
`270 Our Unrealized Potential `271 A Remarkable Source on Masks `272 Yair Hoffman Throws a Vaccine “Hail Mary”
`273 Akiva Tatz, Master Manipulator – Part One `274 Akiva Tatz, Master Manipulator – Part Two `275 Rav Moshe Feinstein on Homosexuality
`276 Let Them Eat Cake `277 Eshel Preys on Orthodox Jews but Won't Answer Questions `278 Pangar's Trap
`279 Rubber Stamp Rabbinics `280 Covid Judgment Day `281 Rav Elya Brudny: A Bombshell Recording
`282 Israeli Gestapo choke and kidnap a religious child `283 A Deeper Look at the OU and Fake Meat `284 Fake Meat and Fake Rabbinic Rulings
`285 Gog Umagog Update `286 FAQ About the Erev Rav Betrayal `287 Video Evidence of the Lies and Betrayal
`288 The Bitter Truth That Must Be Accepted `289 Israeli Government: Sorry About That `290 Abandoning our people and our land to our enemies
`291 The Judenrat Destroying Israel Under Our Noses `292 Abandoning our people and our land to our enemies `293 A Leisurely Massacre
`294 The Erev Rav want us dead `295 Helicopter Pilots Were Given Stand Down Order `296 A Leisurely Invasion in Halacha
`297 The Clever Jew `298 Marching to the wrong beat in Washington `299 Real Achdus Isn't Hype and Ecstasy
`300 Intelligence agents and Kahanists should not be guiding us `301 Milchemes mitzvah, hishtadlus, and insanity `302 What's Behind “Bring Them Home Now”?
`303 Empty Chairs, Flu Shots, and Brainwashing Everywhere `304 Stop Supporting Your Enemies `305 Should we go Rambo on our enemies? + Milei Is Just Another Psy-Op
`306 A Visit to the Erev Rav Rabbinate `307 Recent thoughts about the war and the propaganda `308 I Wasn't Planning On Voting
`309 Ridiculous Lies or Uncomfortable Truth? `310 Now Is Always the Time to Ask Questions `311 October 7 Videos From South First Responders
`312 A Convenient Controversy Over the Draft `313 Simcha Is Canceled `314 Ad D'lo Yada
`315 Who Supervises the Orthodox Union? `316 Abudarham and Chazal Set the Record Straight `317 A Lifesaving Lesson From the Haggadah
`318 An Oct 7 Bombshell `319 IDF cancels Lag B'Omer events in Meron `320 Lowering the bar for Moshiach
`321 Smashing an idol at Rami Levi `321 The Halachos of Siren Observance `322 Safe for LGBT but Not for Thee
`323 Chief Rabbi of Israel: The Quintessence of Controlled Opposition `324 Meron Psy-op 2024 `325 The Controlled Media Drops a Belated "Bombshell" About October 7
`326 The "Haredi" Draft Controversy — Another Psyop `327 The IDF Guinea Pig Who Took 8 Covid Shots `328 More straight talk about October 7
`329 The Cannibal Directive and Mockingbird Media Coverup `330 A made for TV assassination attempt `331 Crucifying the False Messiah
`332 Questions the Trumptards Won't Answer `333 Torah Guidance to Discern Truth From Lies - Part 1 `334 Trojan Horses Near and Afar
The Shidduch World
2003 Ending the Madness: The Role of Rabbis 2003 Poker Play and Shidduchim 2003 The “Shidduch Crisis” As A Microcosm
2004 A Jerusalem Story 2004 A New Segula For Getting Married 2004 Dos and Don’ts of Setting Singles Up
2004 Labels Belong On Clothing 2004 Response to letter about segulos 2004 What's Wrong With Singles Events And How To Fix It
2005 Double Standards in Dating 2005 Mixed Seating Revisited 2005 Please Print My Name
2005 Response to Mixed Seating Revisited 2005 The “Dhimmis” Among Us: Judaism’s Lower Class 2005 The Case for Natural Meetings
2006 Appropriate Shidduch Questions 2006 Da'as Yachid: Reflections of a Single 2006 Natural Meetings Revisited
2006 New York City: Not the Best Place for Singles 2006 Response to Letter on Mixed Seating Revisited 2006 Tearing Off the Labels
2006 Three Myths and Misconceptions of Shidduchim 2007 5 Years of EndTheMadness – A Retrospective 2007 First Come, First Married
2007 In Search Of The Perfect Shidduch 2007 Letter on Solutions 2007 Living a Contradiction
2007 Making Children of Adults 2007 Measuring Success In the Shidduch World 2007 Missing the Point
2007 Nachamu – The Mourning After 2007 Reinventing a Broken Wheel 2007 Shadchanus – The $20 Solution
2008 Baby Steps to Nowhere 2008 Beware of Simplistic Solutions 2008 Don't Compliment Your Date
2008 Eliezer and the Shidduch System 2008 Rachel's Story 2008 Sinas Chinam and Shidduchim
2008 Sinas Chinam and Shidduchim Part 2 2008 The Lost Yom Tov 2008 The Shadchan Résumé
2008 The Shidduch Crisis is a Symptom 2008 Workers of the World, Be Proud 2009 Batel B'shishim: A Wayward Pronouncement
2009 Comparison Shopping and Shidduchim 2009 I Did My Part 2009 Identity Crisis
2009 Sinning Against Singles 2009 The Single-Minded 2010 EndTheMadness 8th Anniversary State of the Madness Address
2010 The Ongoing Denigration Of Singles 2010 The Secret Service 2011 A Change Questionnaire
2011 Response To The NASI Project 2011 The $2000 Shidduch 2011 The Futility of Matchmaking
2013 Debunking The Age-Gap Theory 2014 50 Reasons Why You Are Still Single 2015 EndTheMadness State of the Madness Address
2015 Response to Time Magazine 2017 A Month of Hell and Hope 2017 Dating Suicide
2017 Dignity for Singles 2018 An End to Shidduch Résumés 2018 Letter on Please Print My Name
2018 Tackling the "Shidduch Crisis" in 2040 2019 A Tu B’Av Wish List 2019 If Shidduch Profiles Were Honest
2019 It’s Okay To Be Unhappy 2019 Judgment Day for Singles 2019 Mechila in Shidduchim: A rational approach
2019 Shidduchim By the Numbers: Failure Touted as Success Part 1 2019 Shidduchim By the Numbers: Failure Touted as Success Part 2 2019 The Shidduch Question That Must Not Be Asked
2019 The Tefillin Bag 2020 A Shidduch Lesson from the Bank 2020 Defeated Singles
2020 Don't let just anyone into your personal life 2020 False Messiahs of the Shidduch World 2020 How to create a shidduch crisis in 15 easy steps
2020 It Just Isn't Done 2020 Judgment Day: The Year After 2020 Registration Fees Are a Scam
2020 Shidduch Resume Chaperone Service 2020 The 12 Steps of Shidduchim 2020 The Best Shadchanim Go to Hell
2020 The Shidduch World: Seven Lies and Shenanigans 2020 The ‘Reason’ Why You Aren’t Married 2020 Waterboarding and Shidduchim
2020 What Makes Someone a Good Shadchan? 2020 Words of Encouragement 2021 One Year of Shidduchim Part 1
2021 One Year of Shidduchim Part 2 2021 Poisonous Injections and Shidduch Résumés 2023 20 Years After EndTheMadness: The Next Generation
2023 How do you know it's the right one? 2023 Protecting Singles, Destroying Singles 2023 Rav Moshe Feinstein on Waiting for an Older Sibling
2023 Rewarding Failure 2023 Tu B'Av Then and Now 2023 What Helps and Doesn't Help Singles – Part 1
2023 What Helps and Doesn't Help Singles – Part 2 2023 What Helps and Doesn't Help Singles – Part 3 2023 What Helps and Doesn't Help Singles – Part 4
2023 What Helps and Doesn't Help Singles – Part 5